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Careforce Lifekeys - Man to Man...

Participant Feedback 


  • "The course was very challenging personally. The teaching was great and very rewarding. The group sessions were so challenging that I knew I had to walk out or deal with the issues. I dealt with the issues with Gods help. Congratulations on bringing the course to me."


  • "When I started Search for Life I was an atheist. When I finished I was an agnostic. During Man to Man I wondered how I ever lived without God and now I'm a Christian. Nothing could buy what I have now!"



If you are interested in this course please contact us for further information ...

Man to Man

This program focuses on the man and his relationships.  It is common for men to feel isolated and unsupported, especially when our culture has trained guys that they should be able to keep it all together.  Men today need help with hassles and hurts and an opportunity to find encouragement and support from other men.

During these 10 sessions we explore past and present relationships and examine the effects of family background on the way a man thinks, feels and behaves.   The themes covered include family dynamics, handling emotions, dealing with conflict, finding real intimacy, examining addictive behaviour.  Participants gain personal insight together with strategies and skills for living life more successfully.



Session Information


The Arena of Healing

The aims of this session are to introduce participants to the mind and heart attitudes necessary for growth and change to occur, and to introduce the Arena of Healing which provides a visual image to help participants identify the healing process.


Functional and Dysfunctional Family Dynamics

The aim of this session is to outline functional and dysfunctional family dynamics, to assist participants in understanding the significant impact of the family of origin in shaping behaviour and attitudes and to describe how the family becomes dysfunctional when it lacks the skills to cope with life's challenges.


Co-dependency and Isolationism

The aim of this session is to explain the spiritual roots of co-dependency, to explain the difference between dependence and interdependence, to give and discuss examples of types of dependency, to explain how to find healing from co-dependency, to discuss the differences between males and females in regard to their approach and paradigm to relationships due to their 'wiring'. It also aims to define isolationism and explain the impact of isolationism on individuals and relationship and to provide some strategies in overcoming isolationism.


Shame and Guilt

The aims of this session are to explain the difference between shame and guilt, to describe the factors that lead to shame, to describe the range of reactions to shaming messages and to explain ways to find healing from shame.



This session aims to define emotions, to identify behaviours which arise from damaged emotions, to highlight and define depression, to explain repressed emotions and explore possible causes and their physical impact on an individual, to briefly discuss the use of 'masks' in men's emotional issues, and to provide some practical suggestions to the participants to help them overcome the repression of their emotions.



This session aims to define anger, to identify anger as a secondary emotion, to identify the misbeliefs about anger, to describe the variety of ways that anger can be expressed and to help participants identify their own behaviour, to identify the effects of rage and repressing anger and to provide participants with strategies for overcoming anger.


Conflict Resolution

This session aims to explain the meaning of conflict resolution, to discuss the major obstacles to healthy conflict resolution, to identify styles of conflict resolution, and to highlight some guidelines for dealing with conflict.


Sexual Addiction

This sessions explains the cycle of addiction and highlights the common drivers of addiction in men. It discusses specific issues men struggle with as it relates to sex in general and further, as it relates to sexual addiction. It highlights the problem pornography plays in a man's sex life, and provides guidelines and useful information to help men become sexually pure.


Intimacy and Sexuality

This session highlights the reality that we all need and require intimacy. It aims to discuss reasons why men avoid intimacy, to highlight consequences which result from a lack of intimacy, to explain the difference between intimacy and sex, and explore and define healthy sexuality and to describe some male/female differences in their response to sex.


Forgiveness and Moving Ahead

This session aims to identify forgiveness as a necessary process in the healing journey. It explains reasons why forgiveness can be a difficult step and the personal ramifications for not forgiving. It explains what forgiveness is NOT in terms of relationships and it explains the personal need for every person to find forgiveness.


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