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street ministry

Kathi works with an urban street ministry serving folks on the margins who need a place of refuge from the storms of life: sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves them desperately.

In the words of two people currently attending this vital ministry…

“I’ve grown in my walk with God so much since coming here.  I can see where I’ve been disobedient and I want to follow God now, with my whole heart!”

“…this is a safe, peaceful place where I can be free to be myself and people don’t judge me.”

The centre offers art therapy classes, Bible studies, a literary program and a coffeehouse outreach on a weekly basis, with other special events on occasion.  There is a strong focus on corporate and individual prayer.  Recently, two people were baptized, and several others have expressed a desire for deeper commitment.  What wonderful news!   

Several members have attended for many years, helping the leaders at each event and ministering to their peers: testimony to the presence of Christ in their hearts.  The uncompromised Word of God is taught and modelled, with a healthy measure of acceptance, love and goodwill thrown in! 


God is at work in the forefront and behind the scenes in Abbotsford!

strings of hope

The ‘Strings of Hope Gospel Band’, formed over forty years ago by local singer/musician, Nick Klassen, actively ministered in prisons, alcohol rehab centres, street missions, senior residences, churches, and wherever ‘People Need the Lord’.

Kathi began singing with this group over thirty years ago.  In the eighties and nineties, Milton was privileged to minister through Chalk Art illustrations, while Kathi sang in the band. The combination of art and music proves to be a powerful tool for reaching hearts with the truth found only in the Word of God.


Currently, Kathi loves to sing with the group on a monthly basis.  Music is, indeed, the universal language.  Music inspired by the Spirit of God holds the power of redemption, imparts the peace of God, tells of a love that never gives up, and causes hearts to overflow with joy! 


What a Mighty God we serve! 

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english as a second language - ESL

Kathi serves at a local ESL program which focuses on reaching out with the love of God to those who attend, fulfilling her desire to teach English while sharing the gospel.  Using biblical stories and scripture, this ministry is effective teaching English while imparting truth.  ESL students hear the Word of God as they learn a necessary, new language, which will help them at every level.

Kathi desires to bring hope, encouragement, love and peace, while striving with individuals who are intent on learning.  People who have the courage and diligence to learn another language foreign to their own deserve kindness, respect and acceptance. 


There is no greater reward than to hear the words: ‘I understand!’  … and ‘thank you so much!’ 

Jesus Christ - Lord of All!

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